The Fuel Conversion Table For Gas

Convert to
1,00000 LGP = 0.87600 CNG
Real conversion rate at 04:02 UTC
Convert to
1,00000 LGP = 0.87600 CNG
Real conversion rate at 04:02 UTC

Price of FO Oil, CNG in 2024

*Note: Prices in the table are updated by Petrolimex Vietnam (Price includes VAT). </br> USD exchange rate is updated by Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank).
  FO 3.5S Price - Location 1 (VND/kg)

CNG Price (USD/mmBTU)

CNG Price (VND/mmBTU)
2024 Term I TermII Term III Term IV Average Term I Term II  Term III Term IV Average Term I Term II Term III Term IV Average
January 15.490
15.500 15.490 15.573 15.417 15.735 15.427 15.417 15.735 376.480 384.258 376.724 376.480 378.486
February 16.080 15.900 15.920 15.920 15.873 15.900 15.722 15.742 15.742 15.776 390.820 386.445 386.932 386.932 387.782

CNG price


*Noticed: Prices in the table are updated by Saudi Aramco
Time Propane Butane


( US$/ Ton)

Dec. 2023 610 620 615
Jan.2024 620 630 625
Feb.2024 630  640  635 
March 630 640 635
April 615 620 617.5
May 580 585 582.5
July 580 565 572.5
June 580 565 572.5
August 590 570 580
September 605 595 600

LPG Price