

On September 6, 2024, PV Gas held a ceremony to launch the first train carrying LNG (contained in ISO Tanks) from Trang Bom Station (Dong Nai) to Dong Anh Station (Hanoi). This 1,700 km journey from south to north marked an important milestone in expanding the LNG supply network nationwide.

Vận chuyển LNG từ Nam ra Bắc bằng ISO Tank 

In this special train, a total of 16 ISO Tanks were loaded with about 300 tons of LNG. The gas was loaded at the Thi Vai LNG depot (Ba Ria - Vung Tau) and transported by road from the depot to Trang Bom train station, Quang Tien commune, Trang Bom district, Dong Nai province.

 bồn ISO Tank chứa LNG

LNG was first imported into Vietnam in July 2023. With a volume of nearly 70,000 tons of LNG imported from Bontang port, Indonesia, the Maran Gas Achilles ship docked at PV GAS wharf to supply the entire amount of LNG for the trial run and official operation of Thi Vai LNG Warehouse.

On September 9, 2024, the train with 16 ISO Tanks containing LNG arrived at Dong Anh station (Hanoi), completing a distance of 1,700 km from the South to the North. Here, LNG will be transferred to specialized tank trucks ready to deploy the next steps to put LNG into operation. It is expected that from now until the end of the year, PV GAS will coordinate with VNR (Vietnam Railway Corporation) to transport about 60 to 120 ISO tanks from the South to the North each month.

Tàu chở LNG

With superior performance and the ability to emit less CO2, toxic gases, and fine dust than traditional fuels, in recent years, LNG has gradually become one of the country's key fuel sources. Leading agencies and companies are making efforts to put LNG into operation soon and serve production and consumption.


  • Supply LPG, CNG, LNG.
  • Consult, Design, Install Industrial Gas System.
  • Invest Gas System (LPG, CNG, LNG) for the factory.