

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is natural gas with a main component of methane (CH4) and a mixture of ethane (C2H6). LNG is colorless, odorless, non-toxic, and non-corrosive. It is cooled to a liquid state at a temperature of approximately -162°C. LNG occupies about 1/1600 of the volume of natural gas at standard temperature and pressure, making transportation and storage relatively easy and safe.


Imported gas sources

Currently, Vietnam does not have the capacity to produce large-scale LNG (liquefied natural gas). Therefore, gas will be imported from countries with large reserves around the world through specialized LNG carriers. Qatar, Australia, the United States, Russia, Malaysia, and OPEC+ member countries such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE are the main suppliers to the global LNG market.

LNG Reception & Handling

LNG carriers are received and LNG is pumped into storage tanks and storage systems through a jetty (these tanks are usually located at deep-water ports that are convenient for loading and unloading) equipped with specialized receiving systems. The process of receiving and storing LNG must strictly comply with Vietnamese and international safety standards and regulations to ensure safe operation and environmental protection.


Imported LNG will be distributed to consumers through two methods:

  • Pipeline: LNG is regasified and pumped into the pipeline to supply consumers.
  • Tanker/LNG transport station: Transportation by tanker to customers outside the pipeline system, storage at depots for regasification and supply to consumers.

Regasification at the Customer's Facility

Depending on usage requirements, customers can have a regasification system installed, which includes: LNG storage tanks and regasification equipment operating under pressure to convert LNG back into natural gas for supply to the customer.


  • Supply LPG, CNG, LNG.
  • Consult, Design, Install Industrial Gas System.
  • Invest Gas System (LPG, CNG, LNG) for the factory.